Monday, July 13, 2009

Is Web Development a great carrier to get into?

Hey guys,

I'm actually in college doing some web stuff and what not and was starting to think about pushing towards a degree in Internet Service Technologies. Thing was though 1. I didn't know the degree I was pushing for was an A.S. degree, and second, I didn't know that most or all credits attained once you receive your A.S. will not transfer towards a 4 year institution towards an A.A.

Truth be told, I've changed majors many times (who hasn't) but above all things , the perfect carreer that would be right for me is one that doesn't stress to heavily on math and science (a.k.a. Calculus, Physics, and Chemistry). In no way shape or form am I a math guy nor do I want to be. I can take a little math which is what I'm doing though I'm struggling (College Algebra) but I don't want to go anywhere near Calculus. I was wondering though, how well do Web Developers get paid and would it be even worth it to get my AA anyway?

Someone once told me that experience will beat a degree any day though

Is Web Development a great carrier to get into?
Heck yeah! It is what I want to do and the salary can be $100,000 or higher! Only do it if you enjoy it, but I know that I do.
Reply:The new millenium has brought us newer gadgets/technology.. With that in mind, yes the Tech. field is a rising and successful one. Remember though that ultimately its not JUST going to be about how much you will make in the future as much as it is IF you are going to enjoy going into that field. You are going to be the one geting up in the morning and either loving your job or hating it... besides if you hate it and think back at all the money you spent going to college to get into a field that you hate. doesnt really PAY OFF does it?

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