Sunday, May 10, 2009

What is the most easy to learn: Linux administration or web development?

I am a 48 PC Technician and would like to switch into the Linux or Windows Administration field. But I was wondering if the web development would be also a good alternative? If yes some recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

What is the most easy to learn: Linux administration or web development?
Web development is definitely easier, however, this means that there is plenty of competition.

If you can train yourself to become a solid Linux admin, you will have less trouble finding jobs that pay well in the long run.
Reply:Learning the mechanics is easy, but the nuances take a life time to learn.

That applies to both webdev and admin. I'd choose Linux admin if I were good at following the rules and making others follow the rules as well. If I were a creative person, I'd take webdev.

Both offer a good window to enter into serious programming. Try that in your spare time.
Reply:Web development. Easy and fun.
Reply:Linux admin!

Linux is more mature today and corporations are moving to a linux platform more and more......Home Depot is 100% linux at their stores!

Web development is ok, but as Open SOurce solutions come together, this job will be less and less important.
Reply:Web dev is much easier, but more web dev jobs are being outsourced to India.

Thanks, George.

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