Monday, July 13, 2009

Web Development?

which one of these is more important in the development of a site?

user side issues

or server side issues

Web Development?
I would say server, but you should

have been more spacific to what

you were talking about.
Reply:What do you mean by issues ?
Reply:you need to be more specific,

For user side issue, design wise i would worry more about usability of the website . For server side, i would worry about the amount of sql query passed on for execution. And also the amount of interaction of website with components it depends on.
Reply:The answer to this question is totally subjective. Like the people that have already answered it all depends on what you are going to be trying to accomplish.

Some important questions to think about though are

Server-side -

What are the available features of the web server? Ie. Mysql, php, and versions are currently supported?

What types of services are you planning on running through your web site or applications there in?

Do those services require a database? How do you plan on interacting with that database?

How will you secure and protect any information that is transmitted and stored on the server?


Client-side -

What Browsers or applications will the client be using to access data on the server?

Are you planning on developing applications that are cross platform compatible? Ie. PC and MAC? If so then what language will you be writing your application in and does it require a plug-in? Ie. Flash, Quicktime, Acrobat, Java

Does the application require a specific version of a plug-in in order to function properly?

Plug-ins are client-side, they are installed in the browser, so you will need to check the version that is installed and have your application respond accordingly, either the application will load or it will not. Will you have a re-direction to the place where the latest version of the plug-in can be downloaded?

You will need to take in to consideration the possibility that certain users may have certain options and settings turned off, by choice, in their browsers, how will your application accommodate for this possibility? Ie. If your site or application requires JavaScript to be turned on to function properly and a user has JS turned off, then your application will not function properly and you should let them know that they need to have JS turned on for it to work properly.


I could go on and on.... You need to be more specific... unless you just needed some general information to answer a quiz or homework question.

Also, use wikipedia... its very informative, oh and it never hurts to try GOOGLE...

good luck.

state flower

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